Album: 10th Anniversary Trip
Our 10th anniversary trip to France and Greece
Date: 07/23/08
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 5 items
(275 items total)
Views: 13009
Album: Rachel Orli
Date: 09/22/08
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 3 items
(740 items total)
Views: 16645
Album: Maternity Photos
Date: 12/16/06
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 27 items
(36 items total)
Views: 12074
Album: Arizona Trip 2006
Erika and Joe went to Arizona for business and vacation. Who knew there was going to be snow?
Date: 03/24/06
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 3 items
(202 items total)
Views: 12502
Album: Montreal Trip
Our trip to Montreal for Severine and Frederic's wedding
Date: 03/24/06
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 34 items
Views: 20002
Album: Key West Vacation
Our trip to Ft. Myers and Key West for our 7th anniversary 07/03-08/2005.
Date: 07/11/05
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 5 items
(87 items total)
Views: 12818
Album: Rocky Mountain Getaway
Our trip to Denver to visit friends (and see snow).
Date: 05/30/05
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 53 items
Views: 11559
Album: Cruising to the Caribbean
Erika and Joe's cruise to the Caribbean
Date: 01/24/05
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 5 items
(153 items total)
Views: 14004
Album: Vegas Vacation 2004
Joe and Erika's summer trip to Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Diego...July 4-9, 2004.
Date: 08/31/04
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 6 items
(246 items total)
Views: 8895
Album: New York Trip
Photos from our trip to New York City during Thankgsgiving 2004.
Date: 02/17/04
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 161 items
Views: 18126
Album: Sam & Becca's Wedding
Photo's of Sam and Becca's wedding, Memorial Day Weekend 2003
Date: 05/28/03
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 7 items
(319 items total)
Views: 7558
Album: Joe and Erika's New Home
Pictures of our new house...still under construction as we finish decorating
Date: 06/10/03
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 2 items
(69 items total)
Views: 9434
Album: Trip to Busch Gardens - 12/26/2002
We went to Busch Gardens to feed the giraffes.
Date: 12/27/02
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 23 items
Views: 11564
Album: Joe & Erika's Wedding
Photo's of our wedding on August 18th, 2002.
Date: 12/25/02
Owner: Joe Kauffman
Size: 35 items
(80 items total)
Views: 7461