Watching paint dry in the master bedroom.
Date: 02/08/03
Views: 3617
The paint is still drying.
Date: 02/09/03
Views: 4144
The paint is finally dry!!!
Date: 02/09/03
Views: 2417
Joe is painting the door frame in Belgian Cream.
Date: 02/12/03
Views: 3663
Our newly replace kitchen ceiling before any primer or paint was applied. Painting the ceiling was the hardest job.
Date: 02/12/03
Views: 2318
The kitchen needs some getting a dishwasher for the big gap.
Date: 02/12/03
Views: 2112
Our finished kitchen ceiling after Joe repainted and installed a new light. Eventually we plan to install new accents to match the brushed steel look that is on the light.
Date: 02/13/03
Views: 2163
The master bathroom door is back in place now that the paint has dried.
Date: 02/13/03
Views: 2797
Erika is painting the baseboards in Morning Haze.
Date: 02/14/03
Views: 2998
The closet also was painted in Morning Haze.
Date: 05/28/03
Views: 939
Joe trying to install a new drain plug for the guest bathroom sink.
Date: 02/15/03
Views: 3760
Joe testing it out.
Date: 02/15/03
Views: 3617